Sara Frampton
Sports Injury Specialist
My name is Sara, and I work at Highland Bodyworks, where I specialize in sports injury and scar tissue repair. I use a technique that is similar to scraping to help break down scar tissue caused by injuries or that has occurred during various daily activities.
I have almost fifteen years of experience helping clients, not only find relief from pain but also increase their energy levels, reduce stress, and improve their overall quality of life. When you schedule your first session, I will help you identify any injuries, scar tissue, or overcompensation caused by the injury in order to alleviate pain and maintain an optimal range of motion.
I will also recommend a custom treatment plan that includes homework, such as stretches or physical therapy exercises that you can do at home to help with pain relief and promote optimal wellness. I invite you to schedule an introductory session with me to get started on your path towards living an injury free lifestyle.